Chopra amazed by monkeys

Deepak Chopra is gobsmacked.

You'll never believe this guys! The monkeys totally learned to eat charcoal from the Universe

Monkeys have learned to eat charcoal to aid their digestion and are therefore “tapping into the basic fabric of the cosmos”.

Talk about a non-sequitur!

A red colobus monkey hanging out. Not tapping into the cosmos, just chillin' in his tree, being a monkey.

Deepak can’t believe that this could have come about by chance, (that argument sound familiar to anyone?), but instead of pointing to God, he’s pointing to an “intelligent universe”. He confuses learned behaviour with inherited traits and generally makes a bit of a fool of himself. I wonder how he thinks the human race got to where it is today without learning not to eat the red berries?

So, nothing new, but I got to put a photo of a cute monkey up and that makes me happy.

Woo! Bonus monkey!

One Response to Chopra amazed by monkeys

  1. Eating charcoal? Heck a primate achieved *this* and Chopra didn’t bat an eyelid!

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